Welcome to my little corner of the world. Here you will find my Food Storage journey, my mad cleaning frenzy and a few crazy bits and pieces along the way. I hope you enjoy your time here.
Don't forget to label your bottle.
Oxygen absorbers supposedly have a shelf life of 1 year. Of course, once they have done their job there is no need to open your containers and add more. However, if you do need to re-seal your food for any reason, you will need to use new oxygen absorbers. Throw out the used ones.
You can tell the oxygen absorbers work if you are using e.g. 1.25 litre lemonade PETE bottles as the side pulls in. It won't pull in as much with the thicker plastic used for juice bottles.
He has been through a lot through, poor old guy. He has had toddlers trying to sit on him, brushing his fur up the wrong way, endless wet sloppy kisses, being trodden on, people unintentionally poisoning him by feeding him toxic plants (oleander is just as poisonous to bunnies as it is to humans) and having to share his hutch with other bunnies we have rescued.
Despite being taken to the vet to be desexed at 6 months, he still managed to sire a litter with one of my rescued females (oops!).
He is very loved though, and I suspect he knows that :D
A mostly clean bar - 3 things left to put away but what an improvement.
What gets you motivated to de-clutter? It is a seasonal instinct? Does having people over motivate you? Does reading or watching other people trigger the de-cluttering bug?
Serves 4 as a light lunch with salad and fresh bread.
Two-Minute Noodles with Ham and Cheese
3 packets of two-minute noodles
4 large eggs
1/2 cup ham
1/4 cup cheese
Serves 2. Add salad on the side if preferred.