Sunday, February 20, 2011

Dear Integral Energy,

If I could write a letter to Integral Energy and send it off today, I would! Common sense prevails and tells me that absolutely nothing good will come out of this but typing this up will certainly make me feel better.

I received an 'official' looking document from Integral Energy telling me that I have trees in my yard that are growing into overhead service lines on my property.

Dear Integral Energy,

Thank you for your deep concern as to the clearance space of the trees on my property to the overhead service lines. I am probably also aware that the trees growing under/around these service mains can result in a fire or electric shock (poor trees) or cause an interruption to my electricity supply.

As YOU no doubt are aware, services provided by Integral Energy have increased in price recently and therefore it is going to take me a little while to scrape the money together to organise for the lovely green friends on my property to be chopped. You see, the money I previously spent on maintaining my garden is now spent on the increased electricity costs. Even though my usage is lower.

The thought even occurred to me that perhaps you might like to move the wires away from the trees, problem solved. Surely the criminal price I am paying for electricity would cover that!

I am going to have to wait until the leaves fall off the tree anyway due to safety reasons for the tree trimmer.

Who on earth needs to "pay for the services of an accredited service provide to relocate the point of attachment of the service line away from vegetation, or to convert the existing electricity supply to an underground service if this is viable? What exactly am I paying for at the moment?

In the meantime, do you also recommend I fit the tree with a smoke detector/fire alarm?

Kind regards

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