Sunday, March 18, 2012

Having one of those days?

I'm having a slow morning.  You know the ones?  When your alarm goes off and even though you know you've had what should be enough sleep, you're bone dead exhausted. (Phil had gotten up 2 hours before I did - poor him!!).

I had to get up so I could wake the children up.  It took them half an hour before they even put their feet on the floor.  Definitely a slow morning.

Piano practices were done, children showered and dressed, hair brushed, lunches made, breakfast was on the run today, prayers said, hugs and out the door.  Well, the children were out the door.  I love being able to say goodbye to them at our gate.  It takes them 5 minutes to walk to school across the oval at the top of our street.  There are no roads to cross, and with other children walking to school at the same time, I feel it is safe.

Now I'm sitting here in my dressing gown and ugg boots with leftover raccoon mascara that I thought I had completely removed last night, contemplating the never-ending list of things I have to get through today and wondering where to start.

;D So I started on chocolate mud cake.

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