Saturday, March 10, 2012

Please Mum, Can I Have a Lego Cake?

A Whaaaaaat???

So I came up with this.  I did leave it to the last minute to bake and throw together, so here's what I did in 2 hours (including baking time):-

 1 chocolate and 1 vanilla cake with strawberry swirls.

 I went with Orchard Icing.  I bought two packs, but should have gone with three.  I was so rusty on my cake decorating skills!!

 I didn't have any colouring paste, so I had to make do with some extra icing sugar and liquid colour.  It worked just as well.

 I cut the cakes like this...

To get this.  Lego pieces!  You do need to brush the cakes with runny jam (for vanilla ones) and a chocolatey drinking powder mix for chocolate cakes otherwise the icing doesn't stick.  I was really lazy with the yellow and red blocks and didn't do that.  Silly me - I should have known better!  But I did with the blue cake (a chocolate one) and it was so much easier.

I used the screw on end of a piping nozzle (not the actual nozzles themselves though) to cut out the circles.  I guess it looked like a mini scone cutter.

If I was more patient, I would have let the cakes sit for a bit more, smoothed the icing out more, and possibly allowed some more time (not to mention the jam!!) but I had to get the kids from school and then it was on.

Needless to say, my son loved it anyway :D

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