Sunday, September 4, 2011

Easy Pasta Salad

This one's a really easy salad.  Here's what you need:-

Easy Pasta Salad

- Cooked spiral or large shell pasta
- Bacon (cook under the grill so it is cooked and crispy)
- A small can of corn kernels, or half a large can, drained
- Baby spinach or other herbs from the garden
- Creamy dressing (see below)

  1. Throw your cooked pasta into your salad bowl
  2. Add corn kernels
  3. Chop up your herbs/spinach/celery/whatever green stuff takes your fancy over the pasta.  I use scissors.  Much easier!
  4. Chop up your bacon into bite sized chunks over the pasta.
Add creamy dressing and mix to coat evenly.

You could add sundried tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, black pitted olives, marinated chicken (see , capsicum, mushrooms...anything you like really.

Creamy Dressing

Whisk together the following:-
- 4 splodgy large tablespoons of S& W Whole Egg Mayonnaise
- 1 squirt American Mustard
- A sprinkle of salt
- A splash of Aristocrat Spiced Gherkin juice (yup, you read that correctly)
- A sprinkling of Dill

Quick taste test to ensure balance of flavours, then mix through pasta salad.

I put this dressing on my potato salad.  I could eat the dressing alone, but I don't think anyone else would appreciate that. ;D

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